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The cup, situated in the center of the room, was found and purchased recently by the Genoa Foundation 1893, in Miami, United States, after a long and mysterious journey. The trophy, put up as a prize by the Duke of Abruzzi Luigi Amedeo Savoia, was definitively awarded to Genoa after its victories in the first three national championships (1898, 1899, 1900). It immortalizes the first winning cycle of the first Italian Football team.
Before its discovery the only photographic evidence of the Cup - available to the Foundation - was that of a photo made available in 2006 by a relative of the player Henri Arthur Dapples to a member of the Museum's Historical Committee, Davide Rota. Without this black and white image nobody would know today how the trophy was, apart from, as documented by several articles of the time, the fact it was a silver cup, made by the goldsmith Cravero di Torino. The photograph came into the possession of the relative of Dapples because in 1909 the trophy had been handed over to the former center forward, as well as vice president of Genoa, as a pledge for a loan of 500 lire he made to the rossoblù association "before 1910", according to the minutes of the company.