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Gaston Roullet (Ars-en-Rè, 1847 - Paris, 1925)
120 x 167 cm
Fourth floor, Room 30 - Sala Coeclerici (inv. no. CLE_28)
The painting by Gaston Roullet, a French painter who died in Paris in 1925, is the introduction to the room dedicated to the collection of the ship owner Paolo Clerici. Over 100 paintings all with a maritime subject, in which it is possible to see a common thread: human labour, be it that of fishermen, as is the case of this painting by Roullet, or that of the crew of the cargo steamships, the large ocean liners or the ships of war. Stevedores, moorers, crane operators, carters, those "people of the docks" who crowd the numerous images of European ports that visitors can admire.