Spedizione dei Mille (46992)

Petrus Henricus Theodor Tetar van Elven "La partenza dei Mille"

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Titolo dell'opera:

Spedizione dei Mille (46992)

Author/ School/ Dating:

Petrus Henricus Theodor Tetar van Elven (Amsterdam, 1831 - Milano, 1908)

Technique and Dimensions:

Oil on canvas, 179 x 96 cm


Piano 3;sala 5


Purchased from the artist in 1889


The painting is a faithful reconstruction of the departure of Garibaldi and his volunteers from the rock of Quarto.

The artist’s meticulous attention to detail led him to visit the site as well as to make a careful review of the available documents, images and eye witness reports, this also allowed him to accurately depict the physiognomy of the main protagonists, those close to Garibaldi. Garibaldi himself stands out in the uncertain dawn thanks to the glare created by one of the nearby figures lighting a pipe.