The first “noble” floor of the Palazzo di Pellicceria presents itself as a model of 17th-century taste and housing concept and is strongly characterized by the decorative choices of the Grimaldi, to whom the building and its first decoration are due, and by the commissioning and collecting taste of Ansaldo Pallavicino and his father Agostino.
Thanks to an intensive restoration started in the early nineties, the wall decorations have now been attributed to Lazzaro Tavarone, author of the great fresco of the vault of the hall depicting “the conquest of Lisbon”. Intone with this decorative context are not only the “bambocci“ furniture (featuring carved heads, busts and figures) and various cabinets, elements characteristic of 17th-century Genoese residences, but also the paintings of the palazzo’s second owner, Ansaldo Pallavicino, who introduced into the palace the picture gallery of his father Agostino, an important commissioning client of Anton Van Dyck, and Domenico Fiasella, enriched in particular with works by Grechetto, a painter towards whom Ansaldo had a particular regard.