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Gollum is one of the most loved and hated characters of Middle-Earth, created by the writer J.R.R. Tolkien in the ‘50s of the last century. In “The Hobbit”, the novel written before “The Lord of The Rings”, he wasn’t one of the main characters. Tolkien must have understood his potential because, in his best-known novel, he not only gave him a starring role, but he became part of Fantasy history. Gollum appears in several films and radio adaptations of “The Lord of The Rings”. In 1952 Tolkien himself was one of the first to give his voice to Gollum: his interpretation was highly appreciated by the critics. In the trilogy of Peter Jackson, Gollum is a computer-generated character and his voice and moves were performed by the actor Andy Serkis (a polyhedric actor, who gave his moves to King Kong too as well as to the monkey Cesare in the last remake of “The Planet of the Apes”). The character was created following the facial features of Serkis, while his moves were reproduced using a mix between motion capture and the traditional process of keyframing.
Fun fact – For his performance, Serkis won “best virtual performance” at the MTV Movie Awards. Serkies declared that the desperation and avarice in his acting was based on the experience of heroin addicts.