Fantacinema is a fantasy movie exhibition, unique in its genre, born from an idea of Cine Ciak, a timeless cinematographic collection which brought to Genoa, for the first time, an exhibition about movies. With the important support of the Municipality of Genoa, it has organised exhibitions more and more engaging and appreciated by the Genoese people as well as by the Italian and foreign tourists who are visiting the city. The Cine Ciak collection is one of the biggest in Europe: hundreds of items, original reproductions, life-size statues, action figures, original posters and any other memorabilia that can represent the history of cinema, since it’s beginning to our days. At present, part of this collection is exposed at Fantacinema, in a beautiful location housed in the Magazzini del Cotone, Modulo 1, at the Porto Antico area, near the Cineplex, Bigo and Aquarium. Starting from the history of the Fantasy cinema, passing through Classic Movie Icons onto the most recent movies (Dracula, Alien, Frankenstein, Lord of the Rings, Jaws, the heroes of Marvel and Dc Comics, Harry Potter and Star Wars). Fantacinema is a walk in the world of the true cinema, that of the beginning which was born to surprise, excite, entertain (and maybe also terrorise?). Rich of statues, relics, original items and posters, Fantacinema, with a total new narrative, will tell you how fantasy movies were born and how they developed through time.