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The statue reproduces the giant gorilla King Kong, protagonist of the second remake,
directed by Peter Jackson, of the film released in 1933 (the first adaptation dates back
to 1976, directed by John Guillermin). The 2005 movie was shot in New Zealand
with a budget of 207 million dollars, a record at the time. It grossed over 550 million.
The film was very well received by public and critics: such that it wins three Oscars
(best sound editing, best sound mixing and best special effects).
Curiosity: At the time of “King Kong” filming Bryan Singer, the director of “The
Usual Suspects”, was in Australia for the shooting of “Superman Returns”. As a
friend of Peter Jackson, he decided to spend a weekend on the set of King Kong.
Singer, as a personal favour to his friend, decided to direct the fight sequence
between King Kong and the V-Rex. Jackson later thanked him in the credits.