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Pergameneous manuscript, mm 350x250, cc. 74
Parchment document, III
Officium Gazarie, 1313-1340
In 1313 was established the extraordinary magistracy of the "Eight wise men in charge of the questions of the Black Sea, Gazaria (= Crimea) and Persia and navigation beyond Sicily", or more simply Officium Gazarie, with the task of legislating and maintaining judicial control on navigation to the East and the Black Sea, the Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic and to organise the commercial settlements in Crimea. The rules issued by the judiciary were brought together by Doge Simone Boccanegra in 1340 in a single corpus, making it a real international navigation code. It establishes measures, loading capacity (freeboard), on-board rigging, crew of boats; obligations of the captain; provisions on caravan navigation along the Eastern and Western routes; rules for the organisation and governance of the colonies in the Aegean and the Black Sea. The manuscript has the full-page text and the columns in red and the coeval leather binding and wooden plates are perfectly preserved.