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Manfredino d'Alberto, called Manfredino da Pistoia (Pistoia, news from 1280 to 1293)
Fresco torn and arranged on fiberglass, 226 x 205 cm
Second Floor (inv. no. MSA 3640)
Church of San Michele di Fassolo, Genoa, destroyed mid 19th century
This fresco (1292) decorated the apse of the (sadly) now destroyed church of San Michele. The composition and coordination of the figures around the table with the naturalistic elements of the dishes and food on the table is extraordinary. Notice the perspective and the three levels: the city, the characters seated at the table and Magdalene at Christ's feet. Notice the passion with which she is depicted throwing herself at his feet, adoring him and washing his feet with perfumed balms.
Manfredino brings the most recent developments in painting as they were evolving in the Assisi workshops, from which the painter probably moved directly to Genoa, residing there for at least 10 years.