Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce
Date: from 30/09/2020 to 05/04/2021
A seguito del passaggio della Liguria in zona arancione dal 15 marzo, i Musei e i luoghi della Cultura sono chiusi, e sono sospese le mostre e gli eventi in presenza, fino a nuova comunicazione. Proseguono, invece, gli eventi digitali.
Beginning March 4, 2021, the Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art will reopen on Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 7 p.m.
From the Genoa Blue of ArteJeans to the infinite of Yves Klein
curated by Anna Orlando and Francesca Serati
Genoa, Villa Croce Contemporary Arts Museum
30 September 2020 - 5 April 2021
The color BLUE, a visible idea of infinity, the most metaphysical of colors, is the protagonist of the autumn and winter seasons in the Contemporary Arts Museum of Villa Croce.
The museum continues its relaunch year by collecting energies coming from Genoa and from outside, including cities such as Milano, Rovereto and London, main actors in the international contemporary art scene.
The white and bright spaces of the house-museum will be filled by the power of an intense, suggestive color, featured in different ways in the exhibited works and used in various research paths by the artists.
The project of a multiple exhibition includes five events featured at the same time in the halls of the main floor, accompanied by five meetings, each dedicated to one of the exhibitions, thus composing the corollary of this program, to which others will be added in order to make the new season of the museum more alive than ever.
Institutional sponsor of the Municipality of Genoa
Sponsor & Technical sponsor
Boero Colori
Technical sponsors
Candiani Denim
Tecnica Comunicazione Outdoor Gruppo Nari
Media Partner
The five events
ArteJeans: the story of a myth in the texture of contemporary art
In partnership with the ARTEJEANS Association, London
The main exhibition in this intense program is ARTEJEANS: the story of a myth in the texture of contemporary art, presenting for the first time the 24 pieces donated to the Collezioni Civiche di Genova by artists from all over Italy: Alberto BIASI, Henrick BLOMQVIST, Enzo CACCIOLA, Pierluigi CALIGNANO, Roberto CODA ZABETTA, Maurizio DONZELLI, Ettore FAVINI, GOLDSCHMIED & CHIARI, Riccardo GUARNERI, Emilio ISGRÒ, Ugo LA PIETRA, Marco LODOLA and Giovanna FRA, Carolina MAZZOLARI, Ugo NESPOLO, Giovanni OZZOLA, Gioni David PARRA, Francesca PASQUALI, Pino PINELLI, Fabrizio PLESSI, Gianni POLITI, Laura RENNA, Marta SPAGNOLI, Serena VESTUCCI, Gianfranco ZAPPETTINI.
In five dynamic spaces in the Contemporary Arts Museum of Villa Croce will be exhibited the works of these world famous artists, selected by a critical committee composed by Ilaria Bignotti, Luciano Caprile, Laura Garbarino.
A great gift for Genoa, in order to compensate with contemporary art the tragedy of the Morandi bridge and to start looking at the future.
Created from the idea of Ursula Casamonti (owner and founder of Tornabuoni Art, London) and Francesca Centurione Scotto, Artejeans was born to support the GenovaJeans event, created by Manuela Arata to celebrate the genoese cloth (jeans) that was used since the Middle Ages and represents the city.
The artists used a jeans canvas of 200 x 180 cm, offered by the partner of the Candiani show, freely interpreting it and turning it into works of art that represent the “blue” essence of the city.
“A symbolic journey into the history of jeans. The works of these artists are small, great bridges to and from Genoa, Italy, and the world. (...) works of art conceived in order to contribute to the creation of a new reality of contemporary visual arts, open to everyone and able to rescue once more our community from silence, absence, solitude and isolation... Narrating the effort to restart, rebuild, to be born again." Writes Ilaria Bignotti, curator of the catalogue.
Klein vs Strozzi. Under the sign of blue
In partnership with the Strada Nuova Museums, the MART of Rovereto and the galleries Matteo Lampertico Arte Antica e Moderna of Milan and UniMediaModern of Genoa
An imaginary challenge between two painters: Cappuccino Bernardo Strozzi, main painter of ligurian Renaissance, rediscovered by Anna Orlando, and Yves Klein, one of the most interesting protagonist of the Twentieth Century, known for his obsession with the color blue.
Genoa reinterprets the idea of Vittorio Sgarbi, realized during winter-spring 2019-2020 at the MART of Rovereto, where one of Klein’s works from a private collection dialogues with the Strozzi altarpiece, Madonna con Gesù Bambino in gloria e santi della Parrocchia dei SS. Pietro e Paolo from Tiarno di Sopra (Tn), with the remarkable colors of the tunic of the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter.
Thanks to the collaboration of some private collectors and gallerists, Genoa will host the exhibition of various paintings and sculptures of the French artist. The pieces will dialogue with a painting by Bernardo Strozzi, the Saint Francis from the Strada Nuova Museums, characterized by an intense blue background.
Rocco Borella. Blue homage for the centenary
In partnership with the Associazione Culturale Rocco Borella e Luciano Caprile
The genoese artist (1920-1994) is known for his “chromemes”. Villa Croce dedicated to him an anthological exhibition in 1992, two years before his death. For the centenary of his birth, he’s celebrated with works from the permanent collection of Villa Croce and lendings from private collections.
The selection, curated by the critic Luciano Caprile, will be focused on his use of the color blue.
Ben Patterson. The Constellation restored
In partnership with the Venaria Reale Centre of Conservation and Restoration
Ben Patterson’s piece “Constellation of the first magnitude” was created for the exhibition “The Fluxus Constellation” (2002, Villa Croce Museum). The artist recreated an ironic night sky, in which the stars, whose lights go off and on intermittently, are the faces of the Fluxus artists, paired with their zodiac signs.
The exhibition is the occasion to present the piece for the first time after the restoration by Alessandra Scarano (supervised by professor Alessandra Bassi), student of the Venaria Reale Restoration Centre.
Fulvio Magurno. Animulae, 2020
In partnership with the Galleria Capoverso of Stefania Ghiglione, Genoa
The photographer, born in Sicily, raised in Naples and “adopted” by the city of Genoa, presents his work Animulae for the first time: it is a site-specific work composed by 10 UV prints on panel (30x20 cm, 2 cm thickness).
The pieces are an explicit homage to Yves Klein and were inspired by the 18th Century Crucifixes by Anton Maria Maragliano (1664-1739) with their remarkable blue color, a reflection of the evanescence of the soul in contrast to the solidity of the body.
More informations
Open on Thursday and Friday 14.00-18.00
And on Saturday and Sunday 10.00-18.00
Visits for schools, reservation necessary 335-5699409 pscacchetti@comune.genova.it
Ticket presale on www.ticketone.it