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Jacop Ferdinand Voet (Anversa, 1639 - Parigi, 1689)
Oil on canvas, 211 x 140 cm
Sala di Aracne
Anna Pamphilj, daughter of Olimpia Aldobrandini Borghese and Camillo di Valmontone, nephew of Pope Innocent X, married Giovanni Andrea III Doria Landi on 25 October 1671. The wedding was conducted in Rome and then celebrated with great pomp in Genoa. As was customary at the time, the betrothed couple had never met in person and for this reason, prior to the wedding, the Pamphilj family sent the future groom this portrait. The painting, attributed to Jacob Ferdinand Voet, an excellent late Baroque portrait artist, depicts the young woman in a highly realistic manner. Anna Pamphilj is wearing an elegant gown in the French style and in her hand she is holding a white lily, a symbol of purity.