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Rubaldo Merello (Isolato Valtellina, 1872 - Santa Margherita Ligure, 1922)
Oil on canvas, 71 x 81 cm
First Floor (inv. no. GAM 434)
Purchased at the individual exhibition of painters Carlo Carrà, Giorgio De Chirico e posthumous of Rubaldo Merello at the Art Gallery of Lino Pesaro in Milano (1926)
Rubaldo Merello was a sculpture, painter and elegant designer. His work references the symbolism of Plinio Nomellini and Gaetano Previati, but also to the novelties brought to Genoa by Giuseppe Cominetti, to the international sinuosity of the liberty lines.
The artist was best known for his landscapes dedicated to the promontory of Portofino, to the small inlet of San Fruttuoso, with the Doria tower where he lived.
His visions of nature are proposed through the intellectual filter of unnatural, often textual colours, the characteristic cobalt blue, red, yellow, bright green.
Merello's works were purchased by the Municipality of Genoa in 1926 and were very much appreciated by the first director of the Museums of Genoa Orlando Grosso who wanted to dedicate a room in the Modern Art Museum to the artist and friend.