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Flavio Favelli (Firenze, 1967)
Wooden frame and black glass, 138 x 131 cm
Piano 2;deposito
Flavio Favelli (Florence, 1967) currently lives and works in Savigno, in the province of Bologna.
In his works, the artist places the physical space and the mental space on the same level, creating installations capable of acting directly on the perception of the observer. The use of old furniture and everyday objects allow latent emotions to emerge, thus revealing the most intimate and hidden aspects of our everyday life. Exhibited for the first time at Villa Croce in 2005, for the second stage of the “Four Rooms” project, Specchiera became part of the Villa Croce collection. The objects proposed by the artist always arise out of a singular interference between something in existence and an interior reality which materialises in “mental objects”, modified to become part of the house and, in a certain sense, “of the mind”. Specchiera, in the 2005 exhibition-project “Prima sala d’aspetto”, was placed over the fireplace in the large entrance hall of Villa Croce. The work consists of a wood frame and fragments of mirror in black, which, incapable of reflecting images, create an interplay of light and shadow, thus displaying hidden, mysterious imagery.
(Michela Murialdo)