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Paesaggio con casa rustica torrione e figure
Antonio Francesco Peruzzini (Ancona, about 1643 - Milano, 1724)
Oil on canvas
First floor gallery (inv. no. M.G.L. 406)
A work by one of Italy’s most important landscape painters, active between the end of the 17th and the first decades of the 18th century. This fascinating painting, dating from around 1705, depicts a wide, open space, characterized by intricate vegetation, rendered with vibrant brushstrokes and an extraordinarily modern touch. A “romantic” atmosphere dominates, but is mitigated by the classic balance that pervades the composition. The figures that populate the landscape, outlined with rapid strokes and dense splashes of colour, reveal the influence of Magnasco, with whom Peruzzini collaborated during his years in Florence between 1703 and 1707, at the court of Ferdinando de 'Medici.