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Giacomo Boselli (Savona, 1744-1808)
"Third fire" decorated majolica
Piano 1;sala 5
In the panorama of eighteenth-century Ligurian majolica, the figure of the ceramicist Giacomo Boselli from Savona stands out. He was responsible for a profound renewal of the local production, from a technical point of view, as well as in terms of artistic and cultural reference models. As matter of fact, he succeeded in incorporating first the rocaille taste, then that of the subsequent Louis XVI style and then on to an early adoption of the nascent Neoclassicism that was spreading in Europe towards the end of the century. Attentive to the international scene, he faced ever-increasing competition from French and then English earthenware manufacturers, he also introduced important innovations to traditional techniques, for example by applying the "third fire" procedure to his majolica. A third firing at a lower temperature that allowed the fixing of bright colours, much admired in the eighteenth century, such as purplish red, emerald green and gold. This jug, with its elegant Rococo shape, is a typical example of the best "third fire" production of the Boselli workshop, which interprets with sobriety the influences coming from the contemporary Marseille majolica.