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Luca Cambiaso (Moneglia, 1527 – San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 1585)
Oil on canvas, height 221 x 488 cm
Ground floor, Room 6 (without inv. no.)
Church of San Bartolomeo degli Armeni
The large painting depicts a moment of great emotional tension, such as to animate the gestures and faces of the apostles, bewildered at the words of Christ who denounces future betrayal. In this work, coming from the refec-tory of the convent of San Bartolomeo degli Armeni, Luca Cambiaso takes on Leonardo's lesson of the movements of the soul but also experiences a composition animated by a rational order and a profound search for symmetry, evident in the position of Christ, axis of the composition. Luca Cambiaso enters the scene, on the right of the vast canvas, caught while painfully meditating on what will happen, shortly thereafter, to Christ.