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Luca Giordano (Napoli, 1634-1705)
Oil on canvas, 226 x 303 cm
Second floor, Salon (inv. no. GNPS 3)
Together with the famous work in the Prado depicting Rubens painting the Allegory of Peace, the painting of Palazzo Spinola constitutes an extraordinary tribute made by Luca Giordano to the Flemish master whose influence is evident in his work. Here Peace, majestic in his nudity, is surrounded by companions who play and paint, recalling the arts that thrive in peace, and scornfully dispels Mars, god of War, and Hate.
Painted around 1660, shortly after the painting now in Madrid, the canvas comes from Marco Antonio Grillo’s collection and was purchased in 1740 by Costantino Balbi in whose collection it remained until it was inherited by his descendant Violantina Balbi, wife of Giacomo Spinola who in 1824 became owner of Palazzo di Pellicceria and hence brought it to this building where it is still preserved.