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Japan, Kofun period (300-600)
carved and smoothed jasper, granite, jade, nephrite, jadeite and quarzite. L. 8 / 1,9 cm (magatama); l. 16,5 cm (necklace)
Piano I;galleria I;vetrina 1
Edoardo Chiossone Collection, testamentary bequest, 1898
Since the late Jōmon period beads made by hard, semiprecious and smoothed rocks have been used as protective amulets against evil spirits. During the Yayoi period the magatama acquired the characteristic comma shape. In the Kofun period the necklace made of tubular jasper beads (kutadama) represented high social and religious conditions. The magatama, whose spiritual value is very important, is used even nowadays as a ceremonial object in the shintoist environment. Our finds that are datable around the IV-VI century a.D. were part of princely grave goods from the Kofun period.