Gregorio De Ferrari "Transit of St. Scolastica"

Gregorio De Ferrari, Transit of Santa Scolastica

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Author/ School/ Dating:

Gregorio De Ferrari (Genova, 1647-1726)

Technique and Dimensions:

Oil on canvas


Without inv. no.


Church of Santo Stefano, Genoa


This large altarpiece was painted by Gregorio De Ferrari in the early eight-eenth century to be placed in the Abbey of Santo Stefano. Scholastica, founder of the Benedictines, is caught during her passing: around her the humanity of a few poor objects and above, the bright promise of Resurrec-tion for her soul carried to heaven by angels. The work is considered one of the summits of the Genoese artist's production, translation into painting of the extraordinary frescoes made in the Genoese palaces.