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Bernardo Strozzi, called il Cappuccino (Campo Ligure or Genoa, 1582 - Venezia, 1644)
Oil on canvas, 176 x 107 cm
Inv. no. 382
Donation Marquis Marcello Durazzo, 1824
Donated to the Accademia by Marquis Marcello Durazzo, it is the sketch for the central image on the choir vault in the Genoese church of San Domenico, frescoed by Strozzi in the early 1620s and demolished between 1819 and 1821. The composition echoes that of the altarpiece by Pietro Sorri for the church of Sant’Agostino in Siena, while the dense brushwork, glowing and loaded with colour, recalls the teaching of Rubens, of which Strozzi was an interpreter.