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Domenico Piola (Genova, 1627-1703)
Fresco fragment, vertically concave, 87.8 x 87.7 cm
Inv. no. MAL 537
Church of San Leonardo, Genoa, 1879
This work is part of a nucleus of fifteen fresco fragments by Domenico Piola present in the Accademia Ligustica collections, most of which come from the church of San Leonardo, frescoed by Piola between 1683 and 1686. The subject addressed on the church vaulting – La Vergine dell’Immacolata Concezione con Gesù Bambino tra le braccia assiste alla cacciata di Lucifero (The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception holding the Infant Jesus witnesses Lucifer being cast out) – is documented by a preparatory study kept in the Department of Prints and Drawings in Palazzo Rosso.