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Japan, Unkei, Kamakura period (1185-1333)
Cast and patinated bronze with black lacquer with traces of leaf gliding. Height. 47,8 cm base height 12 cm x ø 15
Gallery I, external display at the end on the left (inv. no. B-998)
Edoardo Chiossone Collection, testamentary bequest, 1898
The statue of the standing Amida Nyorai fits in the standard typology and dimensions of “one feet and five sun” The long shaped face, the fact that the edge of the monastic coat covers the left upper arm and the formal and stylistic proximity of the figure made by the pupils of the renowned sculptor Unkei (1151-1223), allow us to date the statue to the Kamakura period, more precisely to the second half of the 13th century. However, the hands, the halo and the pedestal were replaced in the Edo period. We can assume that the Buddha Amida was placed side by side the statues of the bodhisattva Kannon and Seishi considering the typical composition of these three called Amida Sanzon. Unfortunately, these two statues went missing as well as the original halo and pedestal. The statue expresses a feeling of monumentality and volume besides a stronger masculinity. These elements reveal an intentional reference to the style of the school of sculpture Kei of the Kamakura period.