The coins of the Doges for life (1339-1528) (second room)
"He is Genoese, therefore a merchant” (Judgement of the Civil Rota of Genoa)
For nearly two hundred years, from Simon Boccanegra to Antoniotto Adorno, the doges elected for life coined the “Genovino” in gold, “grosso” in silver and “minuto” in copper (see display case C), symbols of an economic prosperity which certainly did not correspond to political stability (and foreign powers also left traces in the coinage as can be seen in display case C where the coins of the kings of France, the Sforza of Milan etc. are displayed in the second and third rows from the top).
Only in 1415 did the “Genovino” take the name “ducat”, as was used for the gold coins of the other Italian mints.
Genovino of the doge Simon Boccanegra
Genovino of the doge Simon Boccanegra

Genovino of the doge Simon Boccanegra
Genovino of the doge Simon Boccanegra