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The Turkish Lounge is a “particular” room in the home of the Captain D’Albertis: it embodies the charm of the exotic for the late nineteenth century here, recreated by the Captain through objects and furnishings from Egypt, Syria, China, India, Japan, Turkey, Persia ...
It is a fanciful re-creation of the Middle Eastern nomadic world that fascinated the West of the time, as confirmed by the many "Arab", "Moorish", "Indian" or "Turkish" lounges that were set up in Italy, Europe and North America.
From the vaulted ceiling that simulates a curtain hang lamps and brass chandeliers, through the dim light of which we can see objects such as weapons, scimitars and knives, soft seats, painted and fretwork tables, golden cabinets, richly coloured fabrics, silk embroidered sandals, message containers, leather quivers and sparkling jewels, mixed with Japanese vases, ostrich eggs, hookahs and incense burners.
This furniture, mixed with chinoiserie and African objects, is partly original purchased “en situ” and partly cleverly imagined and constructed by the Captain, who, in line with the Orientalist fashion, combined original and copy, without any pretence to “truthfulness” or purity, but rather adopting a habit of the hybridization that creates an intriguing counterpoints.